What has made you happy today

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Re: What has made you happy today

Postby Jobdone » Sun Feb 07, 2016 10:44 pm

On the notes of happiness with mundanity - Finally got around to sorting out my ipod playlist. It still had christmas music on it, and other than that I hadn't changed the music in about 6 months.

Got Christmas music off, changed up the majority of the other stuff, and got a bunch of that there hippity hop on there that a guy in work recommended.

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Re: What has made you happy today

Postby WorMzy » Mon Feb 08, 2016 3:57 pm

Saved myself £54 this month by buying a £102 monthly bus ticket. :yes:

Wish I'd found out about it earlier though. I'd have saved ~£2500 since I started this job.

Oh well.
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Re: What has made you happy today

Postby some_thing_wild » Tue Feb 09, 2016 4:43 pm

Metaldays and Desertfest tickets bought and i'm going to Dublin tomorrow for Sum41
I am so skint now

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Re: What has made you happy today

Postby NeglectedField » Tue Feb 09, 2016 6:56 pm

I'm liking the usernames in red, personally.

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Re: What has made you happy today

Postby Matty_the_Emo_Slayer » Wed Feb 10, 2016 3:14 pm

Planning a getaway to either Berlin or North Italy (Brescia, Milan and Salo) in May. Both are for 3 days, both around the same price and both involve seeing Manilla Road. Basically creating a deck of top trumps at the moment to decide which option is better based on sightseeing, food and drink and whatnot.
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Re: What has made you happy today

Postby Beardy » Wed Feb 10, 2016 6:29 pm

Had the time off work to go to the Dynamo Fest approved, today :D

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Re: What has made you happy today

Postby WorMzy » Wed Feb 10, 2016 10:59 pm

Upgraded my PC's RAM to 32GB. Got a new monitor on the way too. :D
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Re: What has made you happy today

Postby Tet » Thu Feb 11, 2016 6:58 pm

Got a spare key for the car. Land Rover wanted to charge over 400 quid. Independent locksmiths wanted 380. Found some guy running a spare key business from his house in Bournemouth that did it for 90 quid. Still obscene for what it is, but at least considerably better than the stupid money everyone else wanted.
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Re: What has made you happy today

Postby NeglectedField » Thu Feb 11, 2016 9:57 pm

Exit interview today, lasted 75 minutes. Although the guy only had so much space to write, I got everything off my chest, not all of it exactly positive but didn't burn bridges (although if certain feedback goes down the right channels, they'll deduce it's me). I also strongly requested that certain wonderful individuals get formal recognition for being so wonderful. The guy was lovely and receptive to what I had to say, genuinely wished me best of luck and all.

Trying to distract myself from those pangs of sentimentality but at the same time there'll be the obligatory speech during the ritual seeing-off tomorrow. Despite the massive turnover there's some great people there still so least I could do is put in some effort and leave them in good stead.

I'm kinda dreading potential Facebook requests, but trust me to be neurotic about that shit.

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Re: What has made you happy today

Postby NeglectedField » Sat Feb 13, 2016 12:07 am

Bittersweet feels kicked in at about 3pm, especially as one of the client people even rang to say bye. Colleagues got me a bottle of gin and a card, kept my speech short so I could keep it together. Blates need to mtfu. Not many folk out at the pub after but a bunch of us went to a cool pub up the road where we met some former colleagues who are doing well. Got too packed, couldn't find folk, went home. Feel far too sober.

Boss at new place rang up this morning to ask if I could come in Tuesday instead of Monday, which I can live with.

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Re: What has made you happy today

Postby Nantha » Sun Feb 14, 2016 6:24 pm

I've never worked in any place long enough to say goodbye so can't really relate but I guess it's similar to leaving school? After 6 years or w/e wouldn't have held it together that's for sure. But keep looking forward n all that :)

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Re: What has made you happy today

Postby fluffymoo » Sun Feb 14, 2016 7:56 pm

Mum did slow roasted pork, graveh and new potatoes. There was also apple cake with cream. I think I might've gained some weight tonight.

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Re: What has made you happy today

Postby NeglectedField » Sun Feb 14, 2016 8:43 pm

Ugh. Now I want ice cream.

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Re: What has made you happy today

Postby peypea » Sun Feb 14, 2016 11:09 pm

Got treated to Chimichangas and Deadpool.
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Re: What has made you happy today

Postby NeglectedField » Mon Feb 15, 2016 11:03 am