
Put the world to rights here (off-topic discussion)
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Re: movies

Postby clare-l » Tue Jan 24, 2012 7:21 pm

I think it was a good artistic decision to do a film about the transition from silent films as a silent film. Except it's not a silent film ;)

I think it's getting attention because it's very charming, a little bit different, and has things that aren't often seen in standard Hollywood films. I love it, personally.

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Re: movies

Postby Luke_X » Tue Jan 24, 2012 8:26 pm

i've been working my way through the resident evil films. the first film is as you'd expect being low budget for a hollywood film, plenty of potential and some half decent acting. the second film, just made my 'fan of the games' side freak out in anger and how much they screwed up the whole story. i mean, how can you mess up the city, Nemesis, Jill Valentine, and completely fail to include Leon or Ada Wong. that film just makes me nerd rage.

got the third film later, and then i'm going to try and tackle the fourth without getting bored with all the slow-mo again.

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Re: movies

Postby angel_of_death » Tue Jan 24, 2012 9:22 pm

Soze wrote:I haven't seen The Artist yet but it's telling that it dropped to a twice a week screening at my local multiplex really quickly. Despite the accolades I'm not sure the general public at large are interested in black and white silent movies...there was a story recently about a cinema in Liverpool giving refunds to angry customers who hadn't realised it was silent. Unbelievable.

There's nothing unusual about that, I've seen loads of great movies that have been buried in the late night schedules and attracted an audience of 5 people. As far as the general public are concerned, movies suffer the same as music. They're lazy and attention deficit, they flock to something that's been forced down their throat, but won't take the time to check out something a little different. Also, despite the accolades, I haven't seen a hell of a lot of advertising for it. Also, people who can't be bothered to read a synopsis of a film don't deserve to have any money back, and that cinema should have refused to refund. To me that's exactly the same as me going to see a shit film, then coming out and demanding a refund because it wasn't what I expected.

Now, as for not what I expected...just got back from Haywire. This seems to have been marketed as an action movie..there is little else in the trailer other than fights, guns and chases. Very strange, considering there's only about 4 short fight sequences in the film, one on-foot chase and no gun fights...but anyway. A very enjoyable film. The basic plot is age old..a specially trained person is betrayed by her own and wants to know why, but it's well done by Steven Soderbergh (the Oceans films, The Informant, Solaris, traffic, Erin Brokavich). Great cinematography, a fantastic cast (Ewen McGregor, Michael Douglas, Michael Fassbender, Antonio Banderas) and great fight choreography. MMA champ, Gina Carano shows potential, she obviously nails the fights, but isn't bad at the acting either. Also nice to see a leading woman who is pretty hot, but not conventionally or a stick insect. It feels like it's going for the Bourne feel (an obvious comparison for any espionage thriller these days) but is nowhere near as perfect as those, but a good effort!

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Re: movies

Postby MetalBeast » Tue Jan 24, 2012 9:55 pm

Saw Haywire tonight. It was entertaining, although far from original. Thought Gina Carano was good in it, but a lot more could have been done with the star-studded supporting cast (Antonio Banderes, Michael Douglas, Ewan McGregor, Michael Fassbender)
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Re: movies

Postby AnnihiSlateR » Wed Jan 25, 2012 11:36 am

I watched I Melt With You last night.

I felt that whilst the story itself seemed at times a bit thrown together, I still very much enjoyed it. I thought the cinematography was fantastic, some great locations used, a fantastic soundtrack, it had a nice mood throughout, and though the characters may not be the most well written, they were all well acted, and all gave great performances, without giving too much away I felt at times they convayed a sense of uncertainty about the situation but also a feeling of not quite being with it when high. It seems to get a lot of bad reviews, some for glamorising drugs, and some for glamorising suicide (bit of a spoiler there.) But I feel that it doesn't glamorise it, I think from the start it's clear that what they are doing is bad, and it's taking it's toll on them.
The next bit has something of a spoiler, so If you don't want to spoil the film I wouldn't read it, but if you don't care then go for it. A lot of people in reviews seem to feel the suicide's are a bit stupid, they say 'oh it's a bunch of well paid middle aged white men committing suicide because their dreams didn't come true.' But I think they are missing the point somewhat, I feel that in a way the people are a metaphor for teenage hopes and dreams, and that their suicides represent the death of your hopes dreams as life happens and you realise that not all you wanted will happen up until you reach middle age and realise that they are pretty much gone. So I feel it's not a literal suicide, but they are all metaphors in a way if that makes sense.
I think it's well worth a watch if it ever gets a proper release. (I seem to have gotten a Greek version with all the cover/menu in greek, but the film in english, but I've not seen it available anywhere else). If not for the story, for the way it's shot, the scenery, music, and mood as I mentioned. It's been a while since I enjoyed a film this much, even though I will admit it's not completely without faults.
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Re: movies

Postby Luke_X » Wed Jan 25, 2012 11:46 am

ii foudn the prologue for the Dark Knight Rises this morning. the audio isnt great but you can see what the fuss about Bane's voice was. lets hope they've fixed it for the final cut ... e-prologue

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Re: movies

Postby ANDREWHALL28 » Sat Jan 28, 2012 1:13 pm

Damn it when are the extended Blurays of the LOTR trilogy going to be reduced to a reasonable price :x

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Re: movies

Postby Luke_X » Sat Jan 28, 2012 1:34 pm

my nerd rage meter cannot register how much i am disgusted at how awful the Resident Evil films are. why, just why, dot hey insist on ruining the characters from the games. for example, Chris Redfield, who is massivly important to the games, spends most of the 4th film in a box and then when he's let out, just walks around with his gun out adding hardly anything to the plot apart from giving his sister a hug. *bangs head on table*

i have nothing against female fronted action films, but can they just tell Mila Jovavich to shut up and let the men do something for once. They've mad eAlice a one girl army against thousands of zombies. makes you wonder, why do they other survivors bother when all she has to do is go into slow mo mode (which is done to death in the 3rd and 4th films, like Paul WS Anderson only just discovered slow mo) and just shoot the shit out of everything.

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Re: movies

Postby ANDREWHALL28 » Sun Jan 29, 2012 6:48 pm

Just got back from seeing The Grey

A bit of an emotional rollercoater I have to say, made me jump a lot, the wolves were everywhere, and the use of sound was a very powerful and graphic, but this film is literally about people and the human spirit the end of the day, some very memorable scenes, and a as I said really is an emotional ride, but tense too I found

highly recommended


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Re: movies

Postby jackcake » Sun Jan 29, 2012 7:13 pm

AnnihiSlateR wrote:I watched Wargames earlier.

Brilliant film. It's been shown dozens of times since it came out 25-30 years ago and that was the first time you've seen it? :o

Was at my gran's earlier and they were watching Fairytale: A True Story. A bit of a who's who of Anglo-Irish talent. Peter O'Toole, Paul McGann, Bill Nighy. Not a bad line-up for a kids film.
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Re: movies

Postby jamestomo » Sun Jan 29, 2012 10:22 pm

Finally watched X-Men: First Class.
Very good film, has a good plot to leading to the first X-Men and I like that they put Havoc in it, and showed how beast turns blue.
Shame that they messed up a couple of bits though- Professor X and Mageto are supposed to go and see Jean whilst they are still on the same side; also Charles said in the first X-Men that Magneto helped him to build Cerebro when in this film Hank built it.

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Re: movies

Postby CrappyMike » Sun Jan 29, 2012 10:56 pm

yeah there were a few inconsistencies but i loved it. i love all marvel movies though.

for future reference, generally speaking when i refer to all marvel movies im refusing to acknowledge the first hulk movie wih eric bana. only edward norton is bruce banner. the fantastic four movies are decent enough, even if they are the worst marvel movies.

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Re: movies

Postby Luke_X » Sun Jan 29, 2012 11:23 pm

Well first class actually has nothing to do with the first 3 xmen films, it is its own film in a different trilogy. So it has ignored pretty much anything they did with a few exceptions. As for inconsistencies, eg when Xavier sees wolverine, who would have been in a war at that point in origins. So I wouldnt get too caught up on the differences between them.

Hopefully in the sequel they show azazel and mystique at it to introduce the night crawler aspect.

As for fantastic four, let's hope marvel go ahead with their version. Those were diabolical, but no where near as bad as daredevil.

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Re: movies

Postby jamestomo » Sun Jan 29, 2012 11:42 pm

Yeah it was still a brilliant film.
And yeah, I've just been reading up on X-Men future stuff and seen that they are planning to probably release another 1 or 2 films to go after First Class.
They're also planning Deadpool & a second Wolverine film. I wonder why they're not planning a film about Cyclops or Storm :?

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Re: movies

Postby Luke_X » Mon Jan 30, 2012 12:17 am

Cyclops was pretty well covered in the first 2 films and origins. I imagine he'll get mentioned when Havok is explored, so a Cyclops film isn't really needed. Storm wouldn't be of much interest unless they joined her up with black panther and explored their romance.

Wolverine was meant to film when Japan got hit by that wave, so it delayed it. If they still to the r rating like planned it shouldn't suck. Deadpool should be the next thing Ryan Reynolds does but I don't think they have a script written yet.