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Re: TV: Current and Recent

Posted: Fri May 08, 2015 1:58 am
by CrappyMike
Matty_the_Emo_Slayer wrote:Finally getting round to watching Oz and by fuck is it awesome already after just a few episodes. Not as good as The Wire mind but it's already overtaken Sopranos as my 2nd favourite HBO show. Hard to believe it's nearly 20 years old now.

Oz is amazing, you'll recognise a fair few people in it as well, including half the cast of dexter :lol:

Re: TV: Current and Recent

Posted: Mon May 11, 2015 12:47 pm
by JamieH
Randomly started watching Halt and Catch Fire on US Netflix last night. Wasn't expecting much, just something to pass an hour or two while bored on Sunday evening, half of season 1 later I quite like it. AMC series about the PC boom, a couple guys trying to figure out the BIOS from IMB's machines and making their own, etc etc. I'm shite at describing TV shows/movies so here's a link to IMDB..

Re: TV: Current and Recent

Posted: Mon May 11, 2015 9:04 pm
by Ensorcelled

Re: TV: Current and Recent

Posted: Tue May 12, 2015 1:09 am
by Darkweasel
I have absolutely no idea (nor do I even remotely care) how this series of Game of Thrones is differing to the books, but it's easily the most boring season so far.
The latest episode could easily have been trimmed down by a good fifteen minutes. Fat bloke and his missus are back to being annoyingly dull and crap again, Jon Snow's boy servant clearly needs an acting coach, and why have we completely forgotten Brann's storyline?

Re: TV: Current and Recent

Posted: Tue May 12, 2015 6:46 am
by Ensorcelled
Bran's story is essentially where the books are at right now so unless Martin gets off his ass and finishes the next book before next season comes out, I can't imagine us seeing Bran for a while. In terms of the season itself, if it were to stick to the books entirely, it'd be even more boring than it has been so far. If I'm right, the book focused entirely on female characters and was a fucking task to finish. :lol:

Re: TV: Current and Recent

Posted: Tue May 12, 2015 7:48 am
by Bisset
Need to catch up (watch) Game of Thrones season 5, I'm kind of spent with it at the moment but I think that's because I actively disliked A Dance of Dragons.

Also Daredevil, oof that was good!

Why did it take me so long to realise that the main bad guy (remianing nameless to avoid spoilers) was Pvt Pile in Full Metal Jacket?

Re: TV: Current and Recent

Posted: Tue May 12, 2015 8:34 am
by WorMzy

:lol: I guess we'll not be seeing a certain knight and his 'son' in the TV adaptation then, considering that Mormont has displaced that whole plotline. I'm somewhat disappointed by that.

I guess the show writers decided that the audience couldn't handle new characters being brought into the story.

Re: TV: Current and Recent

Posted: Tue May 12, 2015 8:44 am
by keera_envenomed
WorMzy wrote:

:lol: I guess we'll not be seeing a certain knight and his 'son' in the TV adaptation then, considering that Mormont has displaced that whole plotline. I'm somewhat disappointed by that.

I guess the show writers decided that the audience couldn't handle new characters being brought into the story.

That "son" bit really annoyed me in the books, i'm glad they cut it out. And why did they have to kill Barristan Selmy :(

Re: TV: Current and Recent

Posted: Tue May 12, 2015 10:16 am
by Gandalf the Red
Isn't there another thread for all this Games Of Thrones shite?

Re: TV: Current and Recent

Posted: Wed May 13, 2015 12:06 pm
by Bisset
Also Spoiler warnings would be appreciated. I mean I've read the book s but still...

Re: TV: Current and Recent

Posted: Wed May 13, 2015 12:30 pm
by Soze
My understanding was that the TV series would likely overtake the books and possibly end up spoiling those who've been reading it all these years! Martin has apparently told the makers of the TV show how it all ends. I've only ever read the first book and wasn't terribly impressed with it so I just stuck to the show. It's a slow burner this year but I'm enjoying it still.

Re: TV: Current and Recent

Posted: Wed May 13, 2015 12:42 pm
by Gandalf the Red
Bisset wrote:Also Spoiler warnings would be appreciated. I mean I've read the book s but still...

That's what I meant. Not that the programme itself is shite. There was a thread for the discussion of GOT which seems to have disappeared into the void.

Re: TV: Current and Recent

Posted: Wed May 13, 2015 12:46 pm
by kanet666
I've been quite enjoying GoT this season, despite the slowing of the plot. There is still plenty going on and the dialogue is as witty and entertaining as ever.

Other things I've been watching:
Gotham: Binge watched the series after finally getting into it and absolutely loved every second. There's part of me hoping that after a couple of series they move ont a "Year Zero" kind of thing, but unfortunately I don't see that as likely.

Constantine: Only three episodes in. I really like the character and the actors portrayal so far, but for some reason there's something not clicking just yet.

Dardevil: First episode was excellent, shall be watching the rest once I get a moment.

Also, I've been reading the comics for The Walking Dead that I recently acquired from another forumer. If the TV series followed the comics a bit more closely it would be so much more enthralling.

Re: TV: Current and Recent

Posted: Thu May 14, 2015 7:03 am
by Soze
kanet666 wrote:Gotham: Binge watched the series after finally getting into it and absolutely loved every second. There's part of me hoping that after a couple of series they move ont a "Year Zero" kind of thing, but unfortunately I don't see that as likely.

Constantine: Only three episodes in. I really like the character and the actors portrayal so far, but for some reason there's something not clicking just yet.

Dardevil: First episode was excellent, shall be watching the rest once I get a moment.

Also, I've been reading the comics for The Walking Dead that I recently acquired from another forumer. If the TV series followed the comics a bit more closely it would be so much more enthralling.

I thought Gotham was rubbish, gave up on it after half a dozen episodes and the sort of reviews it got since hasn't tempted me back. Constantine showed a lot of potential but never quite realised it. Matt Ryan nailed the central character though, would have liked to have seen another season.

Daredevil was superb.

I'm a big fan of both the comics and TV series of TWD. I really like the fact the show has deviated from the book, it's only a loose adaptation really. As someone who's already read it all the tv series keeps me surprised. It drags at times but at its best is one of the best things on.

The finale of Agents of Shield season two was brilliant. This show has undergone a remarkable improvement.

Re: TV: Current and Recent

Posted: Thu May 14, 2015 8:10 am
by Darkweasel
Soze wrote:The finale of Agents of Shield season two was brilliant. This show has undergone a remarkable improvement.

Agreed, although the improvement started as far back as the mid-way point in the first season.