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Re: The Wrestling Thread

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2014 12:56 pm
by Jobdone
I watched Ringside with Vader about that match.

Before the match even began Stan had pulled back the rope or something and flug it back at Vader, so when he got in the ring he already had a broken nose, but Stan didn't know. So vader is now pissed and full on hits him when they get in the ring. This annoys Stan who begins to fuck with Vader more.

So in that match he's got a broken nose, his eye pops out, he pushes it back in, and fractures his orbital bone in like 3 places.

And still goes for 15 minutes.

the man is a fucking superhero.

edit: and god bless shiek ... 4435408896

Re: The Wrestling Thread

Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 9:33 am
by Jobdone
ROH and NJPW teaming up.

Should be a great ppv. ... t-honorcon

Re: The Wrestling Thread

Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 9:49 pm
by herzeleid
Hello, I am from the future or something. Here are the elimination chamber winners:

Batista will beat ADR

Wyatts will beat Shield

O'Neill will beat Young

Randy will walk out of the Chamber still the champ

The Outlaws will remain Champs

Big E-legal will sneak over the border of victory against Swagger

Jerry Lawler will make stupid noises for 3 hours while JBL will yell about how everything is wrong and Cole talks about the Network tomorrow.

Oh and speaking of that, I hate Sky. From next year we are charged for all PPVs, while Americans get the network. Bastards.

Re: The Wrestling Thread

Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 10:35 pm
by Matty_the_Emo_Slayer
Jobdone wrote:ROH and NJPW teaming up.

Should be a great ppv. ... t-honorcon

Yep, I reckon it might be show of the year. Shame Prince Devitt isn't on the card and Katsuyori Shibata vs Kyle O'Reilly isn't happening, but still.

Re: The Wrestling Thread

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 2:12 am
by Bearstock
herzeleid wrote:Hello, I am from the future or something. Here are the elimination chamber winners:

Batista will beat ADR

Wyatts will beat Shield

O'Neill will beat Young

Randy will walk out of the Chamber still the champ

The Outlaws will remain Champs

Big E-legal will sneak over the border of victory against Swagger

Jerry Lawler will make stupid noises for 3 hours while JBL will yell about how everything is wrong and Cole talks about the Network tomorrow.

Oh and speaking of that, I hate Sky. From next year we are charged for all PPVs, while Americans get the network. Bastards.

But by next year we also have the network no?

Re: The Wrestling Thread

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 2:46 am
by Matty_the_Emo_Slayer
Incredible amount of botching on the announce desk already tonight. JBL got The Road Warriors hometown wrong 3 fricking times (it's not like they named a match after it or anything!) and then Cole said Swagger was a former WWE Champ and Mania headliner. Cole being an idiot is no shocker but it's rare that JBL could get something wrong.

Strong show thus far though. I thought they would've opened with The Shield vs The Wyatts, but Big E. vs Swagger excelled in the opening slot. Some really great spots and Big E. working stiff and busting open another mouth was cool. Tag match was pretty good but needed a better finish. DY vs Titus O'Heel was surprisingly good and had a great apron spot but the commentators were useless. That feud has mostly been played out on Smackdown so commentator involvement was essential to get it over. Typically pointless diva's match, but fuck me. Match of the year contender between The Shield and The Wyatts.

Deciding to stay up for the rest because of how much they're pushing the "Bryan's not 100%" angle. Its an outside chance but they may decide to clean up their mistakes and have Bryan going into WM as champ. They'd still have to find some way of taking the #1 contendership off Batista though. His match is about to start and I reckon he's going to show himself up to be in shit ring shape.

Re: The Wrestling Thread

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 6:50 am
by Applecore
Currently acquiring the EC.
Also in a supermarket today I spotted the Attitude Era 3-Disc for $26.99 (£14.55/€17.59). Bargain when you consider it's £21.90 before delivery on Amazon!

Re: The Wrestling Thread

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 12:40 pm
by Applecore
Just watched Elimination Chamber. Won't post thoughts just yet but I'm going to whack them in a notepad file until others have watched it and open up the discussion.

Re: The Wrestling Thread

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 1:06 pm
by Matty_the_Emo_Slayer
I won't talk about the main event result til everyone else has seen it, but I will post this. Reaction faces in the crowd to the finish.


As for "Boo-tista"? He wrestled a Sunday Night Heat quality match, barely landed any offence and still got blown up after a few minutes. And this is our Wrestlemania headliner challenger? Unless they rectify this I reckon there's going to be 50,000 people heading for the doors before the main event come New Orleans.

Re: The Wrestling Thread

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 2:21 pm
by FlorenceTheMachine
As for "Boo-tista"? He wrestled a Sunday Night Heat quality match, barely landed any offence and still got blown up after a few minutes. And this is our Wrestlemania headliner challenger? Unless they rectify this I reckon there's going to be 50,000 people heading for the doors before the main event come New Orleans.

Could not have put it better Myself. I for one am glad Randy is still champ. Only because I would hate to see Bryan win the title only to drop at to Batista at mania. He definitely has some sort of title run clause in his contract akin to what I suspect the Rock had. I'm just glad Bootista is only here for another couple of months.

Big E vs Swagger - A nice evenly paced opener with a few stiff, painful spots. 7/10

Outlaws vs Usos - Solid if not average match, with both teams just going through the motions. 6/10

O'Neil vs Young - Both had a lot to prove as they had been in locked in tag team competition for a while. Both wrestled with vigour and tenacity but unfortunately the crowd and the commentators were lackluster. Like aforementioned the Commentators are really fucking bad at putting wrestlers over and are too busy speaking about hashtags and cracking godawful jokes. 7/10

Wyatts vs Shield - I can not remember the last time I was hyped about a feud in WWE. It's so refreshing to see wrestlers who understand the psychology of in ring action as well as pulling off great hot tags, High octane spots and overall great in ring action. 9/10

Used the Divas match as a bathroom break. ?/10

Batista vs Del Rio - Nice to see the crowd behind Del Rio, even though it might have been more to do with the crowd being anti Batista. Batista was turgid and sloppy, not even Del Rio could salvage the "Match" 3/10

Chamber Match - A bit sloppy in places. Also I find it funny how the chamber plastic was used to 'damaging' effect when it clearly was softening the impact of the moves performed on the outside. Surprised to see Christian as the token chamber spot monkey, but it worked for me. Steady pace throughout, although I think the interference from the Wyatts slowed down the momentum of the match. Predictable finish, it was obvious Kane was going to screw Bryan, however it still was an enjoyable chamber match. 8/10.

Overall I was impressed because this was probably the most predictable PPV yet it still yielded some genuinely exciting moments. 7.5/10

Re: The Wrestling Thread

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 2:30 pm
by Matty_the_Emo_Slayer
Highlight of the whole event? Luke Harper's suicide dive. He's always had talent that belies his appearance (that was the whole point of the awesome Age Of The Fall faction in ROH he was a part of) but as a longtime fan of his it is really heart-warming to see that coming out in WWE and seeing him get over. 18 months ago I'd have barely believed guys with unconventional styles and with CZW backgrounds like Ambrose and Harper would make it in WWE, but the crowd have really taken to them.

Seth Rollins had a really great flurry of offence too which should hopefully shut up anyone who has been calling him a disappointment recently. There are no weak links in The Shield and Rollins has just as much potential as the other 2 I think.

Re: The Wrestling Thread

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 2:48 pm
by herzeleid
I told you all I was from the future.

Re: The Wrestling Thread

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 9:26 pm
by Jobdone
If I have to hear the commentators call a suplex a "throw" or "slam" one more time I'm going fucking cut myself.

Good and bad ppv.

Big E and Swagger was a pretty good match, some decent spots, and a nice bit of, I dunno, storytelling/pyschology/whatever the fuck smarky term applies with Swagger being in and out of the ring at the start with it slowly turning in his favour. But man, if Big E busts open one more guy I think WWE are gonna freak.

Though Bad News Barrett would turn into something. Nope. I still love BNB. Except for "YOU'LL BE WATCHING THE NETWORK SO MUCH YOU'LL LOSE YOUR JOB"

Tag match was good. Hopefully leads into a match at Mania. Could've been better but definitely good.

Crowd annoyed me in the DY/Titus match with random chants before they'd even had a chance to start the match. At least give them some time to make it boring. Enjoyable enough little goer in the end.

Fuck knows why the panels is still a thing. Skipped them all.

Pre-match promo could've been better, but GOD DAMN DAT MATCH YO. High energy, new shit out of both teams, Ambrose getting hyped as fuck. BRODIE LEE WITH THE DROPKICK AND SUICIDE DIVE. GOD BLESS. The table thing, Ambrose rolling into the crowd with Bray. Great all round. I can't wait to be as bored of Reigns as I am Cena and Orton after the next 3 years of being shoved down my throat. Hoping this leads to 3 way at Mania with the shield for the US title.

Divas - Does anyone actually watch these? I think AJ won. I still want to put my willy in her.


Loved the elimination chamber match. Fantastic showing by all, until the Wyatt shit just slowed everything down and then OH LOOK IT'S KANE I WONDER WHAT WILL HAPPEN NOW. HM. Fuck off WWE. Not to hate on Orton. His heel shit has been fantastic so far, I just don't want to see him V Bastista at Wrestlemania, and neither does anyone else except Vince.

Hopefully something good comes from the Raw tonight.

AND OFF TO SEE JIM CORNETTE TOMORROW. If I don't hear something about Vince Russo I will cry.


Re: The Wrestling Thread

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 9:33 pm
by Jobdone
Matty_the_Emo_Slayer wrote:As for "Boo-tista"? He wrestled a Sunday Night Heat quality match, barely landed any offence and still got blown up after a few minutes.

full breakdown ... _spoilers/

Re: The Wrestling Thread

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2014 1:31 am
by Applecore
Typed last night while a bit ticked off:
Up to the Elimination Chamber match, the PPV was alright.
Uninspired match from the Usos/New Age Outlaws, but that could just be because I'm really fucking sick of NAO. It was cool when they came back but now it just feels like they're overstaying their welcome. Every match is the same with them, and when they're defending the tag team titles they seem to spend more time fannying about outside the ring than they do actually getting the fuck on with it.
The Shield vs Wyatt Family was possibly the best part of the whole PPV. Only issue with it is that if it was meant to lead to the break up of The Shield, I'm not quite sure how they'll do it. I was totally expecting Ambrose to cost Reigns the victory but he can't really be blamed for being taken out of the match like that. I did want Reigns to win it, but he showed he's the best fighter they have so maybe the break up will be more of Reigns splitting off and going into singles matches.
As for the Elimination Chamber match itself, it had moments of being awesome (Orton hiding in a pod only to get Sheamus' boot through it was both amazing and hilarious), but the interferences just fucked me off. Ok, we get it, now that The Shield/Wyatt Family feud is over, the Wyatts are going after Cena again. Whoop de do. And oh great, the Kane/Bryan thing. Because everybody wants to see that.
Notice how the audience was silent as soon as Orton's music played at the end? That's the majority of them realising that the WWE is just not fucking listening to what the fans want.
I was so hoping for Cult of Personality to suddenly burst over the speakers as soon as Kane started meddling..

Now I've slept, I think generally it was an alright PPV. Much better than Royal Rumble, anyway. It's just so disappointing to see them continuously shit on Daniel Bryan, despite the crowd being FULL of "Yes!" signs. But I agree with FlorenceTheMachine, it'd be even more disappointing to have seen Bryan take the title at EC only to lose it (or should that be "hand it over"?) to Batista at WM.

In other news, though, I watched The Attitude Era doc this morning. Pretty good but couldn't help but feel it skimmed over a lot of the details. The Attitude Era isn't really something that you can fit into a 57 minute documentary. The real highlight of the set is the extras. Disc 1 with the doc it's mostly shenanigans and promos (Stone Cold throwing the Intercontinental Championship belt off a bridge, Edge's Totally Awesome Birthday, etc). Disc 2 is more promos and some matches, including a four corners tag match from Raw 1998 featuring Undertaker & Stone Cold vs Kane & Mankind vs The New Age Outlaws vs The Rock & Owen Hart, and Austin giving the corporation a beer bath. Disc 3, more of the same really - Boss Man's "sympathy" for Big Show's Dad, Hardcore Holly vs Crash Holly for the Hardcore title, Armageddon '00s Hell in a Cell match for the WWE Championship between Kurt Angle, Stone Cold, The Rock, Undertaker, Triple H and Rikishi (will be watching that later!)..
I just watched the SummerSlam '00 TLC match for the tag titles between Edge & Christian, The Hardy Boyz and The Dudley Boyz. Fucking awesome match.