Trump President Terror Thread MAGA MAGA MAGA CUCK CUCK

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Re: Trump President Terror Thread MAGA MAGA MAGA CUCK CUCK

Postby Matty_the_Emo_Slayer » Sat Nov 12, 2016 9:56 am

Gandalf the Red wrote:I think I've jumped into a '80s time warp. :o

Celebrity President who's a bit clueless.
Woman Prime Minister.
"Looney Left" Labour Party leader.
Russians making lots of noise.
War in the Middle East.

Liverpool top of the league. :D

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Re: Trump President Terror Thread MAGA MAGA MAGA CUCK CUCK

Postby kanet666 » Sat Nov 12, 2016 12:39 pm

Catch me at:
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Re: Trump President Terror Thread MAGA MAGA MAGA CUCK CUCK

Postby houston4044 » Sat Nov 12, 2016 7:10 pm

Gandalf the Red wrote:I think I've jumped into a '80s time warp. :o

Celebrity President who's a bit clueless.
Woman Prime Minister.
"Looney Left" Labour Party leader.
Russians making lots of noise.
War in the Middle East.

Liverpool top of the league. :D

Oh god, that's the worst part of all of this :P

Gandalf the Red wrote:I understand that, it's the interview in the article I posted (I think).

Dee and the band probably don't want to be politicised as many bands do. How many dislike Megadeth or Ted Nugent because they've said daft political comments over the last few years? Quite a lot.

But they're still buddies. Even says so in the interview. :P

To be fair, Mustaine only started getting called out when he making pro-right wing comments; Irish comments aside he didn't get a lot of crap pre 00's politics wise... although the stuff he came out with pre 00's wasn't batshit insane, "put a cork in it" anyone? :lol:

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Re: Trump President Terror Thread MAGA MAGA MAGA CUCK CUCK

Postby NeglectedField » Sat Nov 12, 2016 9:09 pm

Discuss: Did internet memes change the course of history, or would Trump have won regardless?

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Re: Trump President Terror Thread MAGA MAGA MAGA CUCK CUCK

Postby Metalchemyst » Sun Nov 13, 2016 10:26 am

The more things change, the more they stay the same.

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Re: Trump President Terror Thread MAGA MAGA MAGA CUCK CUCK

Postby Matty_the_Emo_Slayer » Sun Nov 13, 2016 10:32 am

It's hard to say. Even among 18-30 males who voted Trump how many of those would be alt-right or big memesters? Even looking at the number of likes for God Emperor Trump is misleading because that's more of a gathering point for Trump fans around the world.

Here's the thing though- Trump doubled the % of the black vote that McCain got 8 years ago and kept a sizeable proportion of the latino vote at 29%. Those were the demographics that won him the very tight races in Florida and North Carolina, and therefore the election in my opinion. Appealing to working class whites in Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania etc. who were registered Democrats and big Obama supporters previously was the bulk of his voter base but without African Americans concerned about issues like terrorism and latino small business owners who support tighter immigration/are opposed to amnesty for illegals he wouldn't have won it.

In short, trying to simplify this as just being a win for racist whites is false.
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Re: Trump President Terror Thread MAGA MAGA MAGA CUCK CUCK

Postby NeglectedField » Sun Nov 13, 2016 10:13 pm

Indeed, it's the rise in minority groups voting for him (compared to the last election) that clinched it, on top of the usual silent majority. There is so much that goes against conventional narratives and so many lies that have been spread, it's unreal.

There was some passive-aggressive thing on Facebook saying "if you voted Trump feel free to tell your LGBT/latino friends they don't matter to you" (even coming from non-US people with no American friends) despite the fact a considerable number of both of those demographics voted for him. I've seen stuff being shared which turned out to be complete bullshit, like an alleged tweet of him saying something along the lines of "my family didn't emigrate from Germany so this country could be overrun by immigrants" and a screenshot of some interview he did in the 80s captioned by him saying if he ran for president, he'd run as Republican because "they're the dumbest group of voters in the country". There's been a bit of foul play on both sides admittedly, the newest of which is some alleged quote by Kurt Cobain foreseeing all of this, which is also bullshit.

Hillary's campaign was desperate appeals to be down with the kids (incl. celebrity endorsements), and some unhelpful incidents like her describing a fucking internet meme as a subversive white supremacist symbol and the unfortunate episode of poor health.

My reservations however with Trump are the obvious environmental concerns and his cabinet who include a guy who wants to create a "House Committee on Un-American Activities", a guy who believes in electro-convulsive therapy to cure homosexuality (contradicting Trump's outwardly progressive stance on LGBT matters which has gone largely unreported by the MSM) and a young earth creationist, not to mention the number of times he's changed his tune on a number of subjects so who knows what we're actually in for. Correct me if I'm wrong on any of those. Interesting times, in any case.

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Re: Trump President Terror Thread MAGA MAGA MAGA CUCK CUCK

Postby Matty_the_Emo_Slayer » Sun Nov 13, 2016 10:56 pm

I'm starting to think environmentalists and politically inclined scientists are the laziest people. I've only started seeing their reservations being noted AFTER the fact.

A lot of the potential cabinet appointees do give cause for concern, but the most interesting one I've seen touted so far is Richard Grenell for for UN envoy. Somehow he's be the first openly gay person to hold a cabinet post... not even Obama appointed any and you can be damn sure Clinton wouldn't have either. She might be in the same party with liberals but fuck if she isn't a raging homophobe and racist on a personal level.

How does that stack up with Pence as VP? Well I've been hoping that he's been taking all those morons for a ride. He wouldn't have ever got the nomination or kept it until the election without someone like that on the ticket.
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Re: Trump President Terror Thread MAGA MAGA MAGA CUCK CUCK

Postby houston4044 » Mon Nov 14, 2016 12:21 pm

Matty_the_Emo_Slayer wrote:I'm starting to think environmentalists and politically inclined scientists are the laziest people. I've only started seeing their reservations being noted AFTER the fact.

To be fair, I noticed their reservations as you put it were made public prior to the election; it's only now the mainstream media are trying to find everything that Trump is going to screw up have these reservations reached a larger audience, although in the grand scheme of things planning to get rid of EPA was quite low on his list of crazy things he planned to do :lol:

Some interesting discussions going on now in the aftermath, probably the most pertinent is would Trump have won if Bernie won the Democratic nomination instead of Hilary? I personally think Bernie would have won myself.

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Re: Trump President Terror Thread MAGA MAGA MAGA CUCK CUCK

Postby Jobdone » Mon Nov 14, 2016 12:31 pm

Matty_the_Emo_Slayer wrote: but fuck if she isn't a raging homophobe and racist on a personal level.


And on the Bernie thing, I think he would've done better by splitting the "anti establishment" vote, but months of republican attack ads could've hurt him more than Clinton. He'd be played the same way Corbyn was with talks of communism and "threat to your xyz security.", on top of the fact he wanted to raise taxes. Even if that was because he wanted to do away with insurance premiums on healthcare, but as we've learned, scary headlines do better than nuanced policies at the moment.

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Re: Trump President Terror Thread MAGA MAGA MAGA CUCK CUCK

Postby Matty_the_Emo_Slayer » Mon Nov 14, 2016 8:59 pm

Jobdone wrote:
Matty_the_Emo_Slayer wrote: but fuck if she isn't a raging homophobe and racist on a personal level.


For starters she spent her entire senate career opposing gay marriage and also defended Bill Clinton's crime bill publicly by referring to young black men as "superpredators." There's some interesting stuff in wikileaks as well about casual racism of the DNC in general, like referring to chasing the latino vote as "taco-bowling."

How anyone can think she is a liberal is beyond me. She's a rich white girl from the midwest who married into the southern anti-civil rights wing of the Democrat party. Depending on how you view things Bill maybe has an excuse for still have backward views and coming off with comments like "Obama should be making us coffee" to Bobby Kennedy Jr. as he was raised in Jim Crow land, but Hillary? She only became a part of that world when she met Bill in college and starting being mentored for politics by KKK recruiter Sen. Robert Byrd.
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Re: Trump President Terror Thread MAGA MAGA MAGA CUCK CUCK

Postby Gandalf the Red » Mon Nov 14, 2016 10:07 pm

houston4044 wrote:
Gandalf the Red wrote:I understand that, it's the interview in the article I posted (I think).

Dee and the band probably don't want to be politicised as many bands do. How many dislike Megadeth or Ted Nugent because they've said daft political comments over the last few years? Quite a lot.

But they're still buddies. Even says so in the interview. :P

To be fair, Mustaine only started getting called out when he making pro-right wing comments; Irish comments aside he didn't get a lot of crap pre 00's politics wise... although the stuff he came out with pre 00's wasn't batshit insane, "put a cork in it" anyone? :lol:

That's why I said the last few years. :P

As with all musicians and celebrities in general, "keeping your gob shut" is a good idea when it comes to politics.
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Re: Trump President Terror Thread MAGA MAGA MAGA CUCK CUCK

Postby houston4044 » Mon Nov 14, 2016 11:31 pm

Matty_the_Emo_Slayer wrote:
For starters she spent her entire senate career opposing gay marriage and also defended Bill Clinton's crime bill publicly by referring to young black men as "superpredators." There's some interesting stuff in wikileaks as well about casual racism of the DNC in general, like referring to chasing the latino vote as "taco-bowling."

How anyone can think she is a liberal is beyond me. She's a rich white girl from the midwest who married into the southern anti-civil rights wing of the Democrat party. Depending on how you view things Bill maybe has an excuse for still have backward views and coming off with comments like "Obama should be making us coffee" to Bobby Kennedy Jr. as he was raised in Jim Crow land, but Hillary? She only became a part of that world when she met Bill in college and starting being mentored for politics by KKK recruiter Sen. Robert Byrd.

She's a bit of a flip flopper on that part, she and Bill did admit that "don't ask don't tell" in the military was a compromise they had to make but regretted they couldn't do more when they initially wanted to allow openly allow homosexuals into the army; then her Senate career undermines the whole of it by voting against most pro homosexual legislation.

On the second point, you only have to look at the policies she was advocated on the campaign trail, she wasn't a million miles away from Trump when you actually read into it (although she didn't openly soundbite her way to full blown loon like Trump); it's interesting people only refer to her as liberal when you compare her to Trump, before the DNC Bernie held that mantle. Clinton is a careerist, she's only as liberal as the Democratic party allow her and when public opinoin is swaying that way.

Gandalf the Red wrote:
houston4044 wrote:
Gandalf the Red wrote:I understand that, it's the interview in the article I posted (I think).

Dee and the band probably don't want to be politicised as many bands do. How many dislike Megadeth or Ted Nugent because they've said daft political comments over the last few years? Quite a lot.

But they're still buddies. Even says so in the interview. :P

To be fair, Mustaine only started getting called out when he making pro-right wing comments; Irish comments aside he didn't get a lot of crap pre 00's politics wise... although the stuff he came out with pre 00's wasn't batshit insane, "put a cork in it" anyone? :lol:

That's why I said the last few years. :P

As with all musicians and celebrities in general, "keeping your gob shut" is a good idea when it comes to politics.

Ah my mistake then. Personally I don't mind articulate celebrity political discussion but for the most part it either boils down to short soundbites (which to be fair could be down to media editing any discussion to make the story more compelling/keep it brief) or Twitter shit, why fans latch onto their views which are only 140 characters long (and half of that is hashtags) is beyond me (then again Trump used to win an election so hey, what do I know?)

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Re: Trump President Terror Thread MAGA MAGA MAGA CUCK CUCK

Postby Matty_the_Emo_Slayer » Fri Nov 18, 2016 9:26 am

Let's review so far- Russia extending the olive branch, Defcon level reduced, TTIP dead in the water, DOW finishing on a record high, Ford making a u-turn on moving the Lincoln plant to Mexico, lobbyists and establishment Republicans purged from his transition team and Apple investigating moving production to the US.

Love him or hate him that is 2 weeks worth of achievements as president elect that any incumbent president would be happy to have in a single yearly quarter.
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Re: Trump President Terror Thread MAGA MAGA MAGA CUCK CUCK

Postby Jobdone » Fri Nov 18, 2016 9:40 am

Happy with the TTIP

Matty_the_Emo_Slayer wrote: Ford making a u-turn on moving the Lincoln plant to Mexico ... anning-to/

Matty_the_Emo_Slayer wrote: lobbyists and establishment Republicans purged from his transition team

He's still got an accused anti semite and the head of an alt right news/blog site as his lead advisor.

The apple stuff could potentially be good news, but it's easy to enourage people back into the country when you're cutting their taxes by 57% or something. Which is better than no tax at all I guess.