Trump President Terror Thread MAGA MAGA MAGA CUCK CUCK

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Re: Trump President Terror Thread MAGA MAGA MAGA CUCK CUCK

Postby Matty_the_Emo_Slayer » Fri Nov 18, 2016 11:48 am

The whole Steve Bannon thing is a storm in a teacup. He's an arsehole, but the closest thing to evidence they have on him being an anti-semite is unsubstantiated comments from his ex-wife, who is likely to have an agenda because he abused her. The only positive thing I can find about the guy is that he'll be one of the few advisers to Trump who doesn't think global warming is a myth. He's definitely a misogynist, but white nationalist? Breitbart's star writer is a half-Jewish black cock-worshipping drag queen for fuck sake.

I'm not surprised Breitbart are planning on suing one of the major news outlets (probably CNN) for slander, the evidence the media have been finding to justify their claims is hilarious. Liberals using Glenn Beck as a reputable source, really? He's clearly scrambling to regain some sort of political relevance after not endorsing Trump. Funniest of all was that pro-BLM hack Shaun King linking to a Milo article as evidence of the alt-right being white nationalist, an article where Milo outlines the hatred he gets from the 14/88ers/Stormfags. The real white nationalists in America all despise Milo, Alex Jones, Paul Joseph Watson etc. They see them as Jewish conspirators.
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Re: Trump President Terror Thread MAGA MAGA MAGA CUCK CUCK

Postby Matty_the_Emo_Slayer » Fri Nov 18, 2016 4:12 pm

Jeff Sessions for Attorney General it seems. That's disappointing, he's your typical southern establishment Republican. I was hoping for Trey Gowdy to get to have round 2 against Clinton but I suppose it doesn't matter who is leading it there is going to be a special investigation into her anyway.
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Re: Trump President Terror Thread MAGA MAGA MAGA CUCK CUCK

Postby Tet » Sun Nov 20, 2016 10:36 pm

Matty_the_Emo_Slayer wrote:TTIP dead in the water,

Jobdone wrote:Happy with the TTIP

I think you might be celebrating prematurely on that one. While TTIP is probably now going to struggle, with the UK out of the EU in a couple of years, we're likely to pursue our own trade deal directly with the US, and I expect it to be every bit as bad for the UK as TTIP.
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Re: Trump President Terror Thread MAGA MAGA MAGA CUCK CUCK

Postby Matty_the_Emo_Slayer » Sun Nov 20, 2016 11:15 pm

Given Trump's generally quite protectionist stance I would have to disagree that it would be anything as bad as TTIP. Certainly it wouldn't include things such as allowing corporations to sue governments for loss of profits or legalise a Washington-esque "lobbying industry" in Europe.

I'm still pretty hopeful on all fronts for him being a good president so far, but the best appointment he has made by far is Lt. Gen. Mike Flynn as National Security Advisor. His inside knowledge and criticism of Obama/Clinton's disastrous policies in Syria and realist approach to better relations with Russia and Assad remaining in power make him the perfect guy to deal with that shit show. I don't like that he's pro-Erdogan (how anyone who believes that Islamism is a cancer can support him I do not know), but still a solid practical foreign policy expert. Now all we need is someone who knows that Saudi Arabia and not Iran is the world's greatest supporter of terrorism to get a high-ranking appointment and things will be looking really promising.
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Re: Trump President Terror Thread MAGA MAGA MAGA CUCK CUCK

Postby houston4044 » Mon Nov 21, 2016 10:50 pm

Matty_the_Emo_Slayer wrote:Given Trump's generally quite protectionist stance I would have to disagree that it would be anything as bad as TTIP. Certainly it wouldn't include things such as allowing corporations to sue governments for loss of profits or legalise a Washington-esque "lobbying industry" in Europe.

I'm skeptical, as much as he has been outspoken about these things before and would ultimately undermine his own protectionist/bring the jobs back rhetoric, I find it hard to believe that someone who used to/still is? a business man wouldn't suddenly about face on the issue. Being pro-business and someone with his legal/business past I bet he would have jumped at the opportunity to sue the govt for whatever reason to protect himself somehow. Either way even if he does hold back on some of the pro-business elements you can bet your life he's going to shaft the working class in any trade agreement and we all know the Tories won't bat an eyelid at that and will try to sign any agreement even before it's ready just to appease everyone's Brexit worries.

I'm quite surprised about how the majority of people have reacted to this, 12 years ago when American Idiot came out people were behind them on it, now people are against them calling them a detached elite who are just wheeling out petty slogans against Trump. I mean sure it's exactly the same as they did 12 years ago but wow, seems faux liberal sentiment is finally out of vogue.

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Re: Trump President Terror Thread MAGA MAGA MAGA CUCK CUCK

Postby Gandalf the Red » Mon Nov 21, 2016 11:47 pm

Yeah. But would you take any band that has done a musical seriously if they started talking politics?

I'm off to ask Christopher Biggins for his opinion... :lol:
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Re: Trump President Terror Thread MAGA MAGA MAGA CUCK CUCK

Postby Matty_the_Emo_Slayer » Tue Nov 22, 2016 10:54 am

I wouldn't take any musician or actor's endorsement or condemnation of a politician seriously. Which has been funny that after spending the whole campaign disregarding Jay Z, Beyonce, Lena Dunham, Robert DeNiro etc's opinions the right are now all suddenly Kanye fans :lol:
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Re: Trump President Terror Thread MAGA MAGA MAGA CUCK CUCK

Postby houston4044 » Tue Nov 22, 2016 11:24 am

Matty_the_Emo_Slayer wrote:I wouldn't take any musician or actor's endorsement or condemnation of a politician seriously. Which has been funny that after spending the whole campaign disregarding Jay Z, Beyonce, Lena Dunham, Robert DeNiro etc's opinions the right are now all suddenly Kanye fans :lol:

Well Kanye did say he was going to run for president in 2020, if Trump can become president then Kanye probably can (I can see him cutting Putin off in the middle of a speech "I'mma let you finish" and all that), they probably want to get him into the fold early in case Trump can't/won't/would be un-electable in 2020 :lol:

Calling it now, Jay-Z and Kanye will be the nominations for 2020 :P

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Re: Trump President Terror Thread MAGA MAGA MAGA CUCK CUCK

Postby Gandalf the Red » Tue Nov 22, 2016 3:55 pm

Apparently Kanye has been sectioned. So that rules him out as you can't be President if you're a "lunatic". :lol:
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Re: Trump President Terror Thread MAGA MAGA MAGA CUCK CUCK

Postby houston4044 » Tue Nov 22, 2016 10:49 pm

Gandalf the Red wrote:Apparently Kanye has been sectioned. So that rules him out as you can't be President if you're a "lunatic". :lol:


Trump president, Kanye sectioned, it's been one hell of a month :lol:

They should of put him in there awhile ago, probably around the time he tried to claim he was helping a relatively unknown artist by allowing him to guest in his song, only turned out he was referring to Paul McCartney :lol: I dread to think what kind of faux "inspired" crap he's going to put out on his next album as a result of this.

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Re: Trump President Terror Thread MAGA MAGA MAGA CUCK CUCK

Postby Gandalf the Red » Tue Nov 22, 2016 11:14 pm

I hardly know who he is. He's just someone that keeps getting mentioned on things such as TV comedy programmes or the gossip pages in the Metro. I'm not really that up to date on modern culture.

I've met Paul McCartney though. At some function in the LIPA place that he's involved in. He seemed alright to be honest.
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Re: Trump President Terror Thread MAGA MAGA MAGA CUCK CUCK

Postby houston4044 » Wed Nov 23, 2016 9:29 am

Obama's come out and said he'll break with the tradition that ex-presidents do not comment on the incumbent and will speak out if "his values are challenged". Can't say I'm surprised given how Trump has pretty much been heckling Obama for the last 8 years, now it'll be funny to see if Trump would bite the bait. Given what Trump has said he plans to do nigh on straight away I'd hazard a guess we won't have to wait long for Obama to speak out.

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Re: Trump President Terror Thread MAGA MAGA MAGA CUCK CUCK

Postby houston4044 » Wed Nov 23, 2016 9:35 pm

Trump has said he won't be pursuing charges against Hilary so she won't be going to jail, think everyone saw that coming (except Trump supporters apparently).

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Re: Trump President Terror Thread MAGA MAGA MAGA CUCK CUCK

Postby Matty_the_Emo_Slayer » Wed Nov 23, 2016 10:17 pm

houston4044 wrote:They should of put him in there awhile ago, probably around the time he tried to claim he was helping a relatively unknown artist by allowing him to guest in his song, only turned out he was referring to Paul McCartney :lol:

Did he ever actually say that, or was it just his fans praised him for helping out McCartney not knowing who he was?

Obama can say what he likes but for changes both good and bad he'll make, Trump will probably be a far more successful president than Obama has been. His only major victories have been repealing "Don't Ask Don't Tell" from the military and adding LGBT discrimination as a federal hate crime, thawing relations with Cuba, dealing with the budget deficit after the 2009 crash (though simultaneously allowing national debt to spiral to its highest since WWII) and killing Osama Bin Laden (an operation the pre-dated his election.)

On the other hand Obamacare has been a clusterfuck, he failed to close Guantanamo, bailed out Wall Street after the crash, tried to cover up the ATF gunwalking sting scandal, allowed the IRS to politicize their scrutiny of organizations (especially those critical of his and Democrats' policies), brazenly lied about the NSA syping on US citizens, didn't follow up on campaign promises about oversight in the oil industry leading to the Gulf spill, pushed through a half a billion dollar loan for the Solyndra green energy project in full knowledge of their financial instabilities, defended Hillary Clinton after her illegal use of a private email server (and subsequent obstruction of justice and perjury), failed to pull out of Iraq and Afghanistan, destabilized Libya and as a result US citizens got killed at Benghazi, tried to destabilize Syria by funding anti-Assad rebels to the tune of hundreds of millions and unwittingly sponsored the rise of ISIS (leading to some of the worst terrorist attacks in history), authorized drone strikes in Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia that have killed masses of civilians, made a very questionable nuclear deal with Iran and very nearly caused a nuclear war with Russia.

The history books are going to look on him very unfavourably. Tot it all up and he may have even been worse than Bush.
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Re: Trump President Terror Thread MAGA MAGA MAGA CUCK CUCK

Postby houston4044 » Sat Nov 26, 2016 9:45 pm

Matty_the_Emo_Slayer wrote:
houston4044 wrote:They should of put him in there awhile ago, probably around the time he tried to claim he was helping a relatively unknown artist by allowing him to guest in his song, only turned out he was referring to Paul McCartney :lol:

Did he ever actually say that, or was it just his fans praised him for helping out McCartney not knowing who he was?

Obama can say what he likes but for changes both good and bad he'll make, Trump will probably be a far more successful president than Obama has been. His only major victories have been repealing "Don't Ask Don't Tell" from the military and adding LGBT discrimination as a federal hate crime, thawing relations with Cuba, dealing with the budget deficit after the 2009 crash (though simultaneously allowing national debt to spiral to its highest since WWII) and killing Osama Bin Laden (an operation the pre-dated his election.)

On the other hand Obamacare has been a clusterfuck, he failed to close Guantanamo, bailed out Wall Street after the crash, tried to cover up the ATF gunwalking sting scandal, allowed the IRS to politicize their scrutiny of organizations (especially those critical of his and Democrats' policies), brazenly lied about the NSA syping on US citizens, didn't follow up on campaign promises about oversight in the oil industry leading to the Gulf spill, pushed through a half a billion dollar loan for the Solyndra green energy project in full knowledge of their financial instabilities, defended Hillary Clinton after her illegal use of a private email server (and subsequent obstruction of justice and perjury), failed to pull out of Iraq and Afghanistan, destabilized Libya and as a result US citizens got killed at Benghazi, tried to destabilize Syria by funding anti-Assad rebels to the tune of hundreds of millions and unwittingly sponsored the rise of ISIS (leading to some of the worst terrorist attacks in history), authorized drone strikes in Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia that have killed masses of civilians, made a very questionable nuclear deal with Iran and very nearly caused a nuclear war with Russia.

The history books are going to look on him very unfavourably. Tot it all up and he may have even been worse than Bush.

Kanye came out and pretty much said words to that effect, his fans lapped it up and to almost everyone else he just looked even more the egocentric deluded ass he is.

Obama i'm on the fence about, while he ran into the usual of promising too much and actually delivering far too little I will give him the benefit of the doubt that for most of his presidency he's had probably one of the most partisan Congress' in US history which hampered him to a big extent (although his extensive use of Executive Order's will no doubt create issue's down the line as it's set a precedent), when you look at the house and Congress between '09-'11 Obama did manage to get quite a lot done (although again not to the point of fulfilling a lot of his promises).

His biggest failure to me was his foreign policy, while by virtue of not being Bush he at least increased the prestige of the US abroad everything else was near enough a failure. The Arab spring was the linchpin where it went wrong, promoting regime change and limited intervention with little afterthought of how to stabilize the situation post intervention created a vacuum he (although he had reams of advisors and what not it was essentially his final decision) either did not foresee or prepare adequately for. He's armed several rebel groups but at the same time hasn't promoted them as legitimate political options rather "they aren't extremists and are anti-Assad" etc. You could argue that morally that's better than the cold war era policy of supporting anyone who was anti-communist regardless of their political views but at least that prevented power vacuums for the most part whereas now it just seems an ongoing proxy war with no end in sight.

Do I think Trump will be a better president? Well I think he'll get more done especially while he has control of both houses (if he's learnt anything from Obama you need to get things moving asap before you lose any of the houses) and he'll end up tinkering with lots of legislation but ultimately not have much effect (he may tear up these trade deals but I don't think he'll turn the US economy around); as for foreign policy he'll achieve a lot but not necessarily for the better. He'll fall into the same situation as Obama in terms of regime change, he'll smash ISIS and then what? Either back to a sectarian dictatorship thus going full circle or another group will come along, he has no long term strategy beyond just destroy them.