The Still drinking But in Isolation thread

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Green Man III
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Re: The Still drinking But in Isolation thread

Postby Green Man III » Thu Dec 24, 2020 11:39 pm

bloodfiend wrote:
Green Man III wrote:A social drinker, a casual drinker, and an alcoholic walk into a bar.
The bartender decides to do an experiment and puts a fly into each of their drinks.

The social drinker walks up to the bartender, points at the fly, and asks for a new drink.

The casual drinker quietly removes the fly and continues to drink.

The alcoholic grabs the fly and yells at it, "Spit it out! Spit it out!"

I remember in Game Of Thrones Tyrion says that "joke" to Grey Worm and Missandei. It's just as unfunny in that too.

Actually it's better in Game Of Thrones, but still completely unfunny.

WTF,,,,,I've watched all the Game of Thrones and I don't remember that joke being said. I must've been drunk.

Anyway, it's christmas and that means time to celebrate in my culture.....thank you Peppermint Vodka!! :beer:

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Re: The Still drinking But in Isolation thread

Postby Green Man III » Sat Jan 23, 2021 7:45 am

Penderyn whisky here all the way from Wales! :drool:

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Re: The Still drinking But in Isolation thread

Postby slayerslays » Sun Jan 24, 2021 12:25 am

It's not the same...I'm back to being angry now so it's a bit dangerous having booze

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Re: The Still drinking But in Isolation thread

Postby slayerslays » Sun Jan 24, 2021 12:29 am

And I was thinking yesterday watching the briefing that someone said that insanity is doing the same thing over again and expecting a different outcome...1 lockdown, no change, another change....another and no change....

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Re: The Still drinking But in Isolation thread

Postby Green Man III » Tue Jan 26, 2021 2:55 am

I think there's been change. There's been all the people who haven't got Covid because they stayed home or kept their distance.

But then there's those who completely disregard others, like those that refuse to wear masks on public transport. Or those people that walk up your ass in the store. That's what makes me angry.

But while I'm at home, I don't have to deal with those people.

Anyway, stop messing up my getting drunk thread! :lol:

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Re: The Still drinking But in Isolation thread

Postby Kylan_Paassa » Sun Feb 28, 2021 9:28 pm

First (mild) hangover since NYE today. Uffffff. My body can tolerate alcohol so much less as I go through my 30s, I only had 6 cans of beer :lol:
RedTeamWins wrote:
Turbo wrote:I presented the goods and I got no reply. Good job this isnt ebay.


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Re: The Still drinking But in Isolation thread

Postby metaldinosaur » Wed Mar 03, 2021 8:39 am

Kylan_Paassa wrote:First (mild) hangover since NYE today. Uffffff. My body can tolerate alcohol so much less as I go through my 30s, I only had 6 cans of beer :lol:

Oh, it gets even worse with time.
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Re: The Still drinking But in Isolation thread

Postby gavdann » Thu Mar 04, 2021 11:19 am

metaldinosaur wrote:
Kylan_Paassa wrote:First (mild) hangover since NYE today. Uffffff. My body can tolerate alcohol so much less as I go through my 30s, I only had 6 cans of beer :lol:

Oh, it gets even worse with time.

I'm pushing 50 now and if I stick to beer only I'm generally OK. I can just sleep it off.

Start mixing it with red wine and/or spirits then it's good night Vienna. I'm officially fooked and physically incapable of anything more than slobbing on the sofa for the next 24 hours. :lol:

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Re: The Still drinking But in Isolation thread

Postby bloodfiend » Sat Mar 06, 2021 10:28 am

gavdann wrote:
metaldinosaur wrote:
Kylan_Paassa wrote:First (mild) hangover since NYE today. Uffffff. My body can tolerate alcohol so much less as I go through my 30s, I only had 6 cans of beer :lol:

Oh, it gets even worse with time.

I'm pushing 50 now and if I stick to beer only I'm generally OK. I can just sleep it off.

Start mixing it with red wine and/or spirits then it's good night Vienna. I'm officially fooked and physically incapable of anything more than slobbing on the sofa for the next 24 hours. :lol:

Not quite that old, I'm 41, but my tolerance wierdly seems to be going up.

Last night I had about 4 beers then me & the missus hammered through a bottle of wine, a lot of rum and various other shit. And remarkably feeling OK now, lockdown is making me a fucking alcy.

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Re: The Still drinking But in Isolation thread

Postby Green Man III » Sat Mar 13, 2021 12:40 am

Yeah, it's weird how the body's tolerance changes with age. I remember being thin and getting drunk on 3 beers, oh those were the days. Then it becomes bragging rights to drink more but I never thought that was anything to brag about. What is to brag about is having more maturity and being to monitor your drinking so you don't end up puking up all that well spent alcohol (something that took me long enough to figure out).

Since I discovered the joy of sipping hard liquor (starting with whiskey), I've had much more mild buzzes and end up drinking a lot more than I ever did. I find these days that it helps to start with a few ciders before I move onto the hard stuff.

And I'm in my 50's. Alcohol is a joy and I don't want to lose that. I think if I stick to alcohol and don't do other stuff, I'll be okay for a while anyway. Ideally, I want to party hard again once I'm able to retire.

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Re: The Still drinking But in Isolation thread

Postby Green Man III » Sat Mar 20, 2021 5:20 am

Having a good one tonight. Got the booze level right and the music videos are sounding really good through my headphones!

Add to that a chat with a friend for over 20 years over the phone, watched some funny episodes of Superstore with the wife with pizza and wings, played some guitar reminding myself that I am a rock star in my own mind, and watched part of a Krokus documentary.

Earning an income, staying safe at home, and getting the little joys out of life.

When you've got it good, you've got to appreciate. There's no point in everybody feeling like shit. Hopefully these positive vibes spread and other people's lives improve as well.


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Re: The Still drinking But in Isolation thread

Postby north sea storm » Tue Mar 23, 2021 8:56 pm

i0th2 wrote:In an effort to shift some timber (target is to drop 8 stone, 5 by BOA 2021) I've massively cut back on drinking atm from averaging 3-4 pints a night to about that in a month. This if I keep it up then Bloodstock will be hecktonne cheaper as I'll be a complete lightweight.

Good on you . My weight got up to 22 stone last summer . Decided enough is enough . Cut out pizza bread etc now down to 19 half stone . Need to be under 18 stone not to be obese !

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Re: The Still drinking But in Isolation thread

Postby Green Man III » Tue Mar 23, 2021 10:18 pm

i0th2 and north sea storm, what are your tips for losing weight. I've been working from home and probably will continue to do so after this pandemic so I get very little exercise as compared to when I went to the office and would take walking lunches. Besides a daily yoga challenge that I do very poorly at, I get out for a walk maybe a little on the weekend.

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Re: The Still drinking But in Isolation thread

Postby i0th2 » Wed Mar 24, 2021 10:00 am

Beyond eating less shite I bought Ring Fit Adventure for the Switch and have used it for half an hour's exercise (there's an in game timer that only counts when you're actually doing an exercise so takes about an hour to get the timer up to 30 mins) nearly every day since August. Passed 3½ stone lost a couple of weeks ago so still targeting 5 dropped for BOA.

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Re: The Still drinking But in Isolation thread

Postby north sea storm » Wed Mar 24, 2021 10:33 am

Exercise is good but its all about what you eat . Cut out takeaways , pizza bread crisps chocolate fizzy pop beer you will loose weight . Look at the calorie content on food packets . Get your daily calorie intake to 1500 and you will loose weight .
A slice of bread is over 100 calories . Pizza over a thousand . A tin of chunky vegetable soup 150 .