
Tell us who you’d like to see playing B.O.A. 2023
Your Metal Sister
Lowly Peon
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Postby Your Metal Sister » Fri Sep 15, 2023 9:26 pm

So, talking of Vikings........
Heilung, to quote their You Tube channel, "is sounds from the northern european iron age and viking period. We used everything from running water, human bones, reconstructed swords and shields up to ancient frame drums and bronze rings in the songs".

I think this is what Heavy Metal would have sounded like way back in the day. And if you're wondering "WTF", stick with it.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hNu6FmaUIB0 (live performance contains flashing images)

Just imagine watching viking battles at Bloodstock then seeing these play live...........

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Re: Heilung

Postby Rammsoldat » Mon Sep 25, 2023 1:51 pm

They just did ArcTanGent shortly after this years bloodstock so its not like they wont do a UK fest. Id give em a watch if they show up.
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