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Lowly Peon
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Postby EdgeOfCinder » Tue Aug 15, 2023 7:28 am


I've joined to address this issue specifically as it certainly appeared that a lot of people were affected by theft on the day I was there (Friday).

I'm not exactly sure what can be done to help alleviate this issue as conditions are perfect really for the criminals. Everyone squashed together, moving around, dark, loud.

I'm talking in particular about pick-pocketing of phones. I had mine stolen from a zipped pocket in the crowd at In Flames. When I realised it was missing I started looking for it and all I could see on the floor was empty phone cases..

I went to lost property to report it after the set and there was a queue of around 10 people, all of which had missing phones. The lady in front of me, quite upset, was holding multiple empty cases of her and her friends missing phones.

My friend then had his stolen during Killswitch, swiped out of his pocket, although he still had his case. We again reported after the set and the queue of people again were reporting the same issue. They must have stolen so many judging by our trips to report and the amount of phone cases I saw strewn on the ground.

To confirm it wasn't just dropped, my phone was still tracked till 23:30 at the roundabout of Croxall Road / Barley Green Lane, next to the National Memorial Arboretum.

Lowly Peon
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Re: Crime

Postby ChrisGeo » Tue Aug 15, 2023 3:23 pm

I'm sorry you and your friend had your phones stolen, my phone was on my neck strap, so I know where it is at all times. I normally see bloodstock and download as safe places, where I know fellow fans will look out for each other, so shocked that so much crime has taken place, phones stolen, even tents getting broken into. I get the feeling this was done by a criminal gang, targeting the festival, and not done by some random fan.

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Re: Crime

Postby metaldinosaur » Wed Aug 16, 2023 8:57 am

Yeah, it appears to have spiked this year. Seems organised.
Welcome to a brave new world/ The future here or haven't you heard?

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Re: Crime

Postby Jay1993 » Wed Aug 16, 2023 7:08 pm

It was bad during Megadeth on Sunday night too. Scumbags.