The Health 'n' Fitness Thread

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Re: The Health 'n' Fitness Thread

Postby peypea » Fri Oct 30, 2015 6:40 am

Yeah, since we talked about it at cabin I realised I had a few weeks where I didn't really eat sugar at all and I lost a fair bit of stomach fat, despite the fact that all I was doing was smoking and playing video games :lol: I do wish that cutting out sugar was easier for me but with what's available where I work it's not so easy. Destined to have a chubby tummy forever ;__;
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Re: The Health 'n' Fitness Thread

Postby Jobdone » Fri Oct 30, 2015 6:58 am

I officially have one top tip for losing 10lb in a week. You gain 10lb in a week on holiday. Doctors hate me.

On the food note, yeah. I've lost a few stone without ever stepping in the gym which is good for my general health but terrible for my fitness.

Pretty much agree with Fjar. I'd recommend getting a calorie tracker (I like, and just tracking what you eat for a week. Remember to use a food scale, especially with sneaky shit like potatoes/pasta/cereal that can get pretty high in calories depending on amount you use.

On the instant/not note: It depends. Mine was pretty much instant, but I've heard others having that little break period, plus if you're suddenly hitting the gym and lifting there might be some water retention in your muscles when they were repairing after the initial "OH FUCK GYM" period that was covering up a bit of loss.

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Re: The Health 'n' Fitness Thread

Postby thehairyone » Fri Oct 30, 2015 9:58 pm

I made adjustments to my diet a little while ago and it's taken my some time to shift any weight (although I don't really have that much to loose in the way of spare tyre). Possibly living on cheap lager last week didn't help. Different bodies react in different ways - I mine can do some really strange stuff with what I eat and drink. All the guys above give sound advice.


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Re: The Health 'n' Fitness Thread

Postby Danroush » Mon Nov 09, 2015 2:42 am

Mostly what others said, but also 30 minutes of lifting is very low. I'd suggest a solid hour really, obviously the pace you're doing things matters, but only half an hour is definitely on the short side.
Freyja wrote:I never used to be able to fit a whole one in my mouth. But now I can with ease.

TheLotusEater193 wrote:WHY IS IT SO TINY?!

TheLotusEater193 wrote:To be fair 1 and a half minutes is really good if you've never done it before.

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Re: The Health 'n' Fitness Thread

Postby Andy (Dr Sin) » Mon Nov 09, 2015 4:28 pm

Danroush wrote:Mostly what others said, but also 30 minutes of lifting is very low. I'd suggest a solid hour really, obviously the pace you're doing things matters, but only half an hour is definitely on the short side.

Doing about an hour now, didn't really know what I was doing at first with the weights, so I enlisted help of a Rugby playing friend.
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Re: The Health 'n' Fitness Thread

Postby thehairyone » Mon Nov 09, 2015 6:34 pm

The only hour of doing an hour of lifting is it so. Fucking. Boring.


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Re: The Health 'n' Fitness Thread

Postby NeglectedField » Mon Nov 16, 2015 5:00 pm

Squat record smashed. Week off's not been entirely unproductive so far.

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Re: The Health 'n' Fitness Thread

Postby Danroush » Thu Nov 19, 2015 2:30 pm

thehairyone wrote:The only hour of doing an hour of lifting is it so. Fucking. Boring.

Not with a friend with you there though. Makes all the difference.

My gym has a planking contest going on atm. Did 8mins 20 on Sunday, will be going for a 10 minute plank tomorrow :D
Freyja wrote:I never used to be able to fit a whole one in my mouth. But now I can with ease.

TheLotusEater193 wrote:WHY IS IT SO TINY?!

TheLotusEater193 wrote:To be fair 1 and a half minutes is really good if you've never done it before.

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Re: The Health 'n' Fitness Thread

Postby NeglectedField » Sat Dec 12, 2015 12:58 am

I've made a premature resolution to massively cut down, if not cease altogether, any eating close to bedtime. I almost habitually snack on *something* before going to bed and that's gotta change. Taking quite a bit of willpower but managed it the last few nights.

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Re: The Health 'n' Fitness Thread

Postby Rammsoldat » Sat Dec 12, 2015 10:39 am

Becoming dolescum was a big blow to my health, i mean ive not been skinny since i was 11 but it was always manageable but one day about 2 years back i noticed i was addicted to cola as i always had a 2 litre bottle to hand and was taking a swig every time i died in a game like some kind of ritual. So i decided pop was off the menu and felt a lot better about it, constant tooth abcesses stopped and i didnt feel like a hot bag of sick each night when going to bed.

Six months back i decided id try and tackle the extra weight too and started a 10k steps a day deal with myself which worked well for me, had a soft ban on sugar to but i didnt calorie count as i wanted to see how much of my weight gain was due to inactivity rather than bad diet and how much i could lose in 2 months being active.

I dropped 2 and a half stone, felt good about it so im gonna take on a propper diet next month and do the walking. Its a good chance to listen to albums while trudging round the park 2 hours a day
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Re: The Health 'n' Fitness Thread

Postby NeglectedField » Sun Dec 13, 2015 12:51 pm

Little changes to your eating habits can do wonders. I've lost a kilo in the past week so initial indication is that I'm on the right path. So yeah, learning to get used to feeling hungry is a start, especially when you're not gonna need the energy.

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Re: The Health 'n' Fitness Thread

Postby Rammsoldat » Sun Dec 13, 2015 7:45 pm

That and learning to eat a meal and be content with not feeling full. Still gotta get that on mastered. Just cos i can fit more doesn't mean i should.
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Re: The Health 'n' Fitness Thread

Postby NeglectedField » Sat Dec 19, 2015 2:31 am

Definitely gonna consider some diet plan to trial for January. Still too jiggly round the middle.

Thing is as a guy, you'll look at the mirror head on and be like "awriiight" but then you use (or are in a place with) a series of mirrors and go "oh, so that's what everyone else sees...nevermind".

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Re: The Health 'n' Fitness Thread

Postby Danroush » Mon Dec 28, 2015 2:42 pm

NeglectedField wrote:Definitely gonna consider some diet plan to trial for January. Still too jiggly round the middle.

Thing is as a guy, you'll look at the mirror head on and be like "awriiight" but then you use (or are in a place with) a series of mirrors and go "oh, so that's what everyone else sees...nevermind".

Hanging leg raises. Do them. They are fucking brilliant for your mid section (arms at 90 degrees not just dangling down). Tough the first few times, but brilliant.
Freyja wrote:I never used to be able to fit a whole one in my mouth. But now I can with ease.

TheLotusEater193 wrote:WHY IS IT SO TINY?!

TheLotusEater193 wrote:To be fair 1 and a half minutes is really good if you've never done it before.

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Re: The Health 'n' Fitness Thread

Postby NeglectedField » Mon Dec 28, 2015 8:22 pm

I do those, just really need to go hand in hand with a better diet.